CLOSING THE CASE: Gary Sinise on the ninth season finale of his hit show, ‘CSI: NY’
Tonight, CBS will air the season finale of “CSI: NY.” The episode is entitled “Today is Life,” and it’s a powerful conclusion to our ninth season. Loosely based on an incident that took place in Brooklyn in 1978 — when more than 300 angry protesters stormed the 66th precinct station and injured 60 police officers — the episode follows Mac and Flack, who are barricaded inside the station because of the mob riots outside. The rest of the team has to work fast to try to determine what caused the violent protest.
As this may be our final show of the series (we’re not sure whether we will be back for season 10), I wanted to highlight this special episode. At the end of it, we’ll see our main cast of characters in a personal way, and something very special will happen for Mac that I think the audience will enjoy. We’ve had so many good stories over the years, and I do have some favorite episodes, but our season premieres and finales are always excellent. This one is no exception — it rocks!
When I first signed on for the series in 2004, I had no idea how I’d feel if I ended up being fortunate enough to be a part of it for many years. Now, I can truly say that it’s been a gratifying experience, and that I’ve really enjoyed playing the character of Mac Taylor. He’s a man of integrity and strength and I’m proud to say that he’s based on many members of our police, fire and military communities. And working with our cast — Sela Ward, Eddie Cahill, Anna Belknap, Carmine Giovinazzo, Hill Harper, AJ Buckley, Robert Joy and most recently, Natalie Martinez and Megan Dodds — has been just wonderful. We have an amazing team of writers who continue to impress and I thank them all, as well as our fantastic crew, for another great season.
I hope you’ll tune in for this dynamic finale, and perhaps, if the Network Gods are smiling on us, we’ll get a chance to see where things will go in a 10th season. In any case, as we close season nine, it’s been a great ride — thank you to everyone who has watched “CSI: NY” over the years.
Gary Sinise donated his fee for writing his column to his foundation,